Omer Ben-Neria
Welcome to my web page. I work at the Einstein Institute of Mathematics, the Hebrew University. My research interests lie in set theory, especially forcing, large cardinals, and related areas
Office: Manchester House 311
Address: Einstein Institute of Mathematics, The Edmond J. Safra Campus (Giv’at Ram), Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Publications and Preprints
Jonsson and Magidor Filters (with Shimon Garti) [pdf]
A Kunen-Like model with a critical failure of the Continuum Hypothesis (with Eyal Kaplan) [pdf]
Aronszajn trees and maximality—Part 2 (with Menachem Magidor and Jouko Väänänen) [pdf]
The Model Theory of Geometric Random Graphs (with Itay Kaplan and Tingxiang Zou) [pdf]
Rudin-Keisler capturing and Mutual Stationairy at successors of Singulars (with Domink Adolf) [pdf]
The potentialist principle (with Gabe Goldberg and Eyal Kaplan) Advances in Mathematics (2025) [pdf|doi]
On Sigma_1 Definable Closed Unbounded Sets (with Philipp Lucke) Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2025) [pdf|doi]
Approachable Free Subsets and Fine Structure Derived Scales (with Domink Adolf) Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (2024) [pdf][doi]
Stationary Reflection and the Failure of SCH (with Yair Hayut and Spencer Unger) The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2024) [pdf][doi]
On large externally definable sets in NIP (with Martin Bays, Itay Kaplan and Pierre Simon) Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu (2023) [pdf][doi]
Approximating diamonds at an inaccessible cardinal (with Jing Zhang) Transactions of the American Mathematical Society (2023) [pdf][doi]
A Mathias Criterion for the Magidor Iteration of Prikry Forcings, Archive for Mathematical Logic (2023) [pdf|doi]
On ω-Strongly Measurable Cardinals (with Yair Hayut) Forum of Mathematics, Sigma (2023) [pdf|doi]
Compactness and Guessing Principles in the Radin Extensions (with Jing Zhang) Journal of Mathematical Logic (2023) [pdf|doi]
Club Stationary Reflection and the Special Aronszajn Tree Property (with Thomas Gilton) Canadian Journal of Mathematics (2022) [pdf|doi]
Infinite Decreasing Chains in the Mitchell Order (with Sandra Muller) Archive for Mathematical Logic (2021) [pdf|doi]
Diagonal Supercompact Radin forcing (with Chris Lambie-Hanson and Spencer Unger) Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (2020) [pdf|doi]
On the Consistency of Various Configurations Concerning Cardinal Characteristics at Uncountable Regular Cardinals (with Shimon Garti), The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2020) [pdf|doi]
On the powersets of singular cardinals in HOD (with Moti Gitik, Itay Neeman, and Spencer Unger), Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society (2020) [pdf|doi]
On Singular Stationarity II (tight stationarity and extender-based methods), The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2019) [pdf|doi]
On Singular Stationarity I (mutual stationarity and ideal-based methods), Advances in Mathematics (2019) [pdf|doi]
Diamonds, Compactness, and Measure Sequences, Journal of Mathematical Logic (2019) [pdf|doi]
Weak Prediction Principles (with Shimon Garti and Yair Hayut), Fundamenta Mathematicae (2019) [pdf|doi]
A Model with a Unique Normal Measure on k and 2^κ = κ^++ From Optimal Assumptions (with Moti Gitik) [pdf]
Homogeneous Changes in Cofinalities with Applications to HOD (with Spencer Unger), Journal of Mathematical Logic (2017) [pdf|doi]
The structure of the Mitchell order - II, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic (2015) [pdf|doi]
The structure of the Mitchell order - I, Israel Journal of Mathematics (2016) [pdf|doi]
On the Splitting Number at Regular Cardinals (with Moti Gitik), The Journal of Symbolic Logic (2015) [pdf|doi]
Forcing Magidor iteration over a core model below 0^P, Archive for Mathematical Logic (2014) [pdf|doi]
Disassociated Indiscernibles (with Jeffery Scott Leaning), Mathematical Logic Quarterly (2014) [pdf|doi]
Slides from selected talks
Approximating Diamonds on Large Cardinals ESI Workshop on Set Theory, July 2022– KGRC, Vienna (2022)
Many ω -Strongly Measurables in HOD, 15th International Luminy Workshop in Set Theory – CIRM, Luminy (2019)
Ordinal Definable Sets and Singular Cardinals, Set Theory Today, a conference in honor of Georg Cantor - KGRC, Vienna (2018)
On Singular Stationarity, 14th International Workshop in Set Theory – CIRM, Luminy (2017)
The Possible Structure of the Mitchell Order, Independence Results in Mathematics and Challenges in Iterated Forcing – UEA, Norwich (2015)