Itinéraire d’un mathématicien
October 1, 1995
This is an interview with my mentor and thesis’s advisor, Jean-Marie Souriau. It has been published in “Le Journal de Maths des Élèves” of the ENS-Lyon, journal I founded in 1994 and maintained until my departure from Lyon in 1998 (By the way, this journal has been a rich experience, and working together with the students brings me always a great intellectual satisfaction). The interview itself was my way to publish things we discussed so often, during these long conversations, in JMS’s kitchen, sharing an alcoholic mixture called “Ferney-Branca”... I always learned a lot with these
kitchen talks, contradicting Jean-Marie just to get more informations, to push him in his last entrenched positions, to deliver his last thoughts. When I read again, now, this interview I see so clearly, behind the questions, what I wanted Souriau to talk about and to say, it is so transparent... Well, let read it and enjoy this trip into the mind of one of the greatest scientists of the 20th century.
Photo Georges Bigot