Hebrew University topology and geometry seminar

Department of Mathematics
Hebrew University

Organizers: Emmanuel Farjoun, Ruth Lawrence-Naimark, Zlil Sela and Jake Solomon.


Regular meeting time: Wednesday 1100
Place: Manchester building, Room 209

2013-2014 Lectures

Speaker Title and Abstract
October 8
Special time: 1400

Franziska Schroeter
Universität des Saarlandes
Broccoli curves and refined broccoli invariants
October 23
Anton Izosimov
Moscow State University
Algebraic geometry and stability for integrable systems
November 27
Vladimir Vershinin
Université Montpellier-II
The group of surface Brunnian Braids
December 11
Oren Ben-Bassat
University of Oxford/University of Haifa
Analytic geometry as relative algebraic geometry
December 18
Yanir Rubinstein
University of Maryland
The log zoo
December 25
Yochay Jerby
Tel Aviv University
Exceptional collections and monodromies of Landau-Ginzburg equations
January 1
Marina Ville
Université François Rabelais
Examples of minimal submanifolds in compact Lie groups
February 19
Alexandr Buryak
ETH Zurich
Equivalence of the KdV and Virasoro type descriptions of the intersection numbers on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces with boundary
February 26-28
Dimitri Zvonkine
Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu
Workshop on tautological relations
March 26
Boris Hanin
Northwestern University
Universal Scaling Limit for High Frequency Spectral Projections of the Laplacian on a Compact Riemannian Manifold
April 2
Jonathan Block
University of Pennsylvania
Categories of modules in generalized geometry
April 30
Sheel Ganatra
Stanford University
Fukaya categories and Hochschild (co)homology
May 7
Egor Shelukhin
Hebrew University
On Rabinowitz Floer homology and translated points
May 28
Egor Shelukhin
Hebrew University
On Rabinowitz Floer homology and translated points II
June 11
Yasha Savelyev
ICMAT, Madrid
Global Fukaya category
June 22-27

Mirror Symmetry Week
July 16
Special place:
Rothberg B410
Misha Verbitsky
HSE, Moscow
Ergodic complex structures
July 23
Special place:
Rothberg B210
Gal Binyamini
University of Toronto
Multiplicity estimates: a topological approach

2012-2013 Lectures

2011-2012 Lectures

Other seminars in the Mathematics Department