Regular meeting time: Wednesday
Place: Manchester building, Room 209
2011-2012 Lectures
Speaker | Title and Abstract |
December 21 |
Lev Buhovski University of Chicago |
On the uniqueness of Hofer's geometry |
December 28 |
Oren Ben-Bassat University of Haifa |
Milnor Descent for Cohesive DG Categories |
January 4 |
Frol Zapolsky LMU Munich |
Spectral invariants in symplectic topology |
January 11 |
Daniel Shenfeld Princeton University |
Stable bases for symplectic resolutions and their abelianizations |
January 25 |
Debasis Sen University of Haifa |
Simplicial equivariant cohomology with local coefficients and its homotopy classification |
February 1 |
Gabriel Katz MIT |
Gradient Flows on 3-folds with Boundary, Concavity, and Complexity |
March 28 |
Marina Ville Université François Rabelais |
Minimal surfaces, knots and braids |
May 9 |
Michael Brandenbursky Vanderbilt University |
Quasi-isometric embeddings into groups of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms |