Hebrew University topology and geometry seminar

Department of Mathematics
Hebrew University

Organizers: Emmanuel Farjoun, Ruth Lawrence-Naimark, Zlil Sela and Jake Solomon.


Regular meeting time: Wednesday 1100
Place: Manchester building, Room 209

2011-2012 Lectures

Speaker Title and Abstract
December 21 Lev Buhovski
University of Chicago
On the uniqueness of Hofer's geometry
December 28 Oren Ben-Bassat
University of Haifa
Milnor Descent for Cohesive DG Categories
January 4 Frol Zapolsky
LMU Munich
Spectral invariants in symplectic topology
January 11 Daniel Shenfeld
Princeton University
Stable bases for symplectic resolutions and their abelianizations
January 25 Debasis Sen
University of Haifa
Simplicial equivariant cohomology with local coefficients and its homotopy classification
February 1 Gabriel Katz
Gradient Flows on 3-folds with Boundary, Concavity, and Complexity
March 28 Marina Ville
Université François Rabelais
Minimal surfaces, knots and braids
May 9 Michael Brandenbursky
Vanderbilt University
Quasi-isometric embeddings into groups of volume-preserving diffeomorphisms

Other seminars in the Mathematics Department