Hebrew University topology and geometry seminar

Department of Mathematics
Hebrew University

Organizers: Emmanuel Farjoun, Ruth Lawrence-Naimark, Zlil Sela and Jake Solomon.


Regular meeting time: Wednesday 1100
Place: Manchester building, Room 209

2012-2013 Lectures

Speaker Title and Abstract
November 7
Special time: 1200
Lev Buhovski
Tel Aviv University
Unboundedness of the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian in symplectic category
December 12 Liat Kessler
Technion and University of Haifa
Toric actions on symplectic blowups of the complex projective plane
December 19
Special place: Manchester 207
Yael Karshon
University of Toronto
Distinguishing symplectic blowups of the complex projective plane
December 26
Special place: Manchester 207
Yoav Len
Yale University
Brill-Noether theory of tropical curves
January 2
Dror Bar-Natan
University of Toronto
Balloons and hoops and their universal finite type invariant
January 23
Special place: Manchester 207
Chloé Perin
University of Strasbourg
Forking independence in the free group
April 24
Special time: 1200
Boris Botvinnik
University of Oregon
Surgery, bypass surgery and metrics with positive scalar curvature
May 8
Erwan Brugallé
Université Pierre et Marie Curie
Behavior of Welschinger invariants under Morse simplification
August 27
Special day: Tuesday
Special time: 1400
Or Hershkovits
Courant Institute
Mean curvature flow of embedded curves into spheres

2011-2012 Lectures

Other seminars in the Mathematics Department