Memorial Symposium 2024
26/6/2024 - Hebrew University of Jerusalem
27/6/2024 - Online
In memoriam of Avinoam Mann and Miriam Cohen
The Amitsur Memorial Symposium is an annual conference in memory of Prof. Shimshon Avraham Amitsur, 1921–1994. It is hosted by a different institution each year since 1995.
This year's meeting honors the memory of Avinoam Mann, who led this series for many years, and Miriam Cohen, both of whom we sadly lost last year.
Venue: The first
day will be held in-site at the Hebrew University in Givat Ram, at The Federmann Center for the Study of Rationality (Feldman building, 3rd floor).
Please register via the registration form.
Uzi Vishne and Ori
Scientific committee: Eli
Aljadeff, Ido Efrat, and Louis Rowen.
List of Abstracts for the talks. Online attendance is via this zoom link. The zoom password is the number of isomorphism classes of groups of size 2^9. 9:45
Assembling 10:25
Alex Lubotzky, Memories of Avinoam Mann, Hebrew University 10:45
Sara Westreich, Bar Ilan University
Remembering Miriam Cohen: Reflections on her and our mathematical collaboration 11:30
break 12:00
Paran, Open University of Israel
Some aspects of quaternionic algebraic geometry 13:00
Lunch 15:00
Neftin, Technion
connectedness and parametrization of Galois extensions 16:00
Tea 16:30
Yoav Segev, Ben Gurion University
Nonassociative algebras having semisimple indempotents
Be'eri Greenfeld, University of Washington
Local smallness and global largeness: a quantitative approach
Dinner with reminiscences 18:00
David Saltman, Center for Communications Research 19:00
Gelaki, Iowa State University
unipotent groups 20:00
Zinovy Reichstein, University of British Columbia
Hilbert's 13th Problem for algebraic groups
26 June – Jerusalem
27 June – Online
(by Israel Time = UTC+3; Israel 6pm = Paris 5pm = NY 11am = LA 8am).
Zoom link