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Mathematics and Computer Science Library
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- Free access suspended to Springer-Verlag book series (No MALMAD subscription) (Jan. 2006)
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Lecture notes in computer science (Springer-Verlag) The series includes sub-series by topic, transactions and function (tutorials, surveys ...)
Each group is arranged consecutively by vol. no. and year. The library has:
The following list contains selected LNCS conferences recommended by staff members. Some of them are available online in fulltext through SpringerLink - Springer-Verlag Electronic journals. Conferences available online in fulltext will not be ordered in print.
The conferences available online listed here, are cataloged and also have access through the web catalog.
If there are additional conferences which you would like to see on this list, please contact Gila at: library at
![]() The following information has changed a lot and is not updated. |
ATAL: International Workshop on Agent Theories,
Architectures, and Languages
CADE: International Conference on Automated
COLT: Conference on Computational
Learning Theory
CRYPTO: Annual International Cryptology Conference
CSL: Workshop on Computer Science Logic
DISC: Distributed Computing, International Symposium,
12th- , 1998-
(Formerly: WDAG: Workshop on Distributed
Algorithms, 2nd-11th, 1987-1997)
ECAI workshop: European Conference on
Artificial Intelligence workshop
ECCV: European Conference on Computer
ECDL: European Conference on Digital
ECOOP: European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming
ECOOP Workshop: European Conference on
Object-Oriented Programming : Workshop
EuroCOLT: European Conference on Computational
Learning Theory
EUROCRYPT: European Conference on Cryptology
Euro-PAR: International Euro-PAR Conference on Parallel
HPCN: High Performance Computing and
ICALP: International Conference on Automata,
Languages and Programming
ICALP 1972 (IRIA) | ICALP 1983 (LNCS 154) | ICALP 1992 (LNCS 623) | |
ICALP 1974 (LNCS 14) | ICALP 1984 (LNCS 172) | ICALP 1993 (LNCS 700) | |
ICALP 1976 (Not Avail.) | ICALP 1985 (LNCS 194) | ICALP 1994 (LNCS 820) | |
ICALP 1977 (LNCS 52) | ICALP 1986 (LNCS 226) | ICALP 1995 (LNCS 944) | |
ICALP 1978 (LNCS 62) | ICALP 1987 (LNCS 267) | ICALP 1996 (LNCS 1099) | |
ICALP 1979 (LNCS 71) | ICALP 1988 (LNCS 317) | ICALP 1997 (LNCS 1256) | |
ICALP 1980 (LNCS 85) | ICALP 1989 (LNCS 372) | ICALP 1998 (LNCS 1443) | |
ICALP 1981 (LNCS 115) | ICALP 1990 (LNCS 443) | ICALP 1999 (LNCS 1644) | |
ICALP 1982 (LNCS 140) | ICALP 1991 (LNCS 510) | ICALP 2000 (LNCS 1853) |
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual
ICDT: International Conference on Database
IPDPS Workshops: International Parallel and
Distributed Processing Symposium (IEEE): Workshops,
(Formerly: IPPS/SPDP Workshops)
See also: International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing / IEEE
ISD: Integrated Spatial Databases.
International workshop
Workshop on Job Scheduling Strategies for Parallel
LFCS: Logical Foundations of Computer
Science. International Symposium
MFCS: Mathematical Foundations of Computer
Science. International Symposium
MFCS 1974 (LNCS 28) | MFCS 1984 (LNCS 176) | MFCS 1994 (LNCS 841) | |
MFCS 1975 (LNCS 32) | MFCS 1986 (LNCS 233) | MFCS 1995 (LNCS 969) | |
MFCS 1976 (LNCS 45) | MFCS 1988 (LNCS 324) | MFCS 1996 (LNCS 1113) | |
MFCS 1977 (LNCS 53) | MFCS 1989 (LNCS 379) | MFCS 1997 (LNCS 1295) | |
MFCS 1978 (LNCS 64) | MFCS 1990 (LNCS 452) | MFCS 1999 (LNCS 1295) | |
MFCS 1979 (LNCS 74) | MFCS 1991 (LNCS 520) | MFCS 2000 (LNCS 1893) | |
MFCS 1980 (LNCS 88) | MFCS 1992 (LNCS 629) | ||
MFCS 1981 (LNCS 118) | MFCS 1993 (LNCS 711) |
Mathematics of Surfaces. IMA International Conference
SSD: International Symposium on Spatial
STACS: Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects
of Computer Science
STACS 1984 (LNCS 166) | STACS 1989 (LNCS 349) | STACS 1994 (LNCS 775) | |
STACS 1985 (LNCS 182) | STACS 1990 (LNCS 415) | STACS 1995 (LNCS 900) | |
STACS 1986 (LNCS 210) | STACS 1991 (LNCS 480) | STACS 1996 (LNCS 1046) | |
STACS 1987 (LNCS 247) | STACS 1992 (LNCS 577) | STACS 1997 (LNCS 1200) | |
STACS 1988 (LNCS 294) | STACS 1993 (LNCS 665) | STACS 1998 (LNCS 1373) |
Symposium on Conceptual Modeling
WDAG: Workshop on Distributed Algorithms
(Continued by: DISC: Distributed
Computing, International Symposium, 12th- , 1998- )