Workshop: Homological Mirror Symmetry


June 10 – 12, 2015 at Hebrew University, Israel

Homological Mirror Symmetry for Hypersurfaces

Nick Sheridan (IAS and Princeton University)

This mini-course consists of a series of six one-hour lectures.
1. Introduction: The relative Fukaya category.
  • Precise statement of result (Calabi-Yau case).
  • Versions of the Fukaya category: exact, relative, absolute, orbifold.

2. The pair of pants. (1.5 talks)
  • Constructing the immersed Lagrangian sphere in the pair of pants.
  • Computing its Fukaya endomorphism algebra using pearly trees.

3. Deformation theory. (0.5 talk)
    The endomorphism algebra is uniquely determined up to a quasi-isomorphism and a mirror map by its first-order term.

4. The B-model.
  • Matrix factorizations.
  • Dyckerhoff's minimal model via the homological perturbation lemma.
  • Equivariant versions.
  • Orlov's theorem relating graded matrix factorizations to coherent sheaves.

5. Automatic split-generation of the Fukaya category.
  • Abouzaid's split-generation criterion.
  • Generalized split-generation argument (joint with Perutz):
    closed-open string maps and maximally unipotent monodromy.

6. The Fano case.
  • What the Fukaya category of a Fano looks like: c1 eigenvalue decomposition.
  • How the same computations also give HMS for Fanos.

HU Logo Topology and geometry seminar
Department of Mathematics
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.