An explicit symmetric DGLA model of a bi-gon
Nir Gadish, Itay Griniasty and Ruth Lawrence
Abstract: We write explicit formulae for a DGLA model of the bi-gon which is symmetric under the geometric symmetries of the cell. This follows the works of Lawrence-Sullivan on the (unique) DGLA model of the interval and its construction uses deeper knowledge of the structure of such models and their localisations for non-simply connected spaces.
Keywords: knot theory, manifold invariants, perturbative expansions, modular forms, TQFT
AMS subject classification: 17B55 17B01 55U15
Length: 11 pages
Reference: Proceedings of Knots in Hellas 2016, J. Knot Th. Ramif. accepted, to appear
Last updated April 15th, 2018.