Chloé Perin

Einstein Institute for Mathematics
Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Jerusalem, 9190401

Office: Ross 57
Tel. : +972 2 658 4088
Email: perin at
I am an associate professor at the Einstein Institute for Mathematics of the Hebrew University.
I am interested in geometric group theory at large. More specifically, I have been using geometric group theory tools to study the first-order logic of free and hyperbolic groups.


My thesis.


Here are the notes for the minicourse I give at the Second Israeli Workshop for Women in Mathematics:

  • Geometry and first order logic of groups
  • Teaching:

    Linear algebra 2:Notes of the 2017 course

    Geometric group theory:Notes and exercises of the 2016 course
    Topological methods in the free group:Notes and exercises of the 2017 course
    Classical geometries:Exercises of the 2017 course
    Model theory of the free group:Website of the course