Research Output
Orbits in Teichmüller dynamics admits a critical exponent gap
Omri Nisan Solan
An effective closing lemma for unipotent flows
Elon Lindenstrauss, Gregory Margulis, Amir Mohammadi, Nimish Shah, Andreas Wieser
Effective equidistribution of orbits under semisimple groups on congruence quotients
Andreas Wieser
Infinitely badly approximable affine forms
Taehyeong Kim
Hausdorff dimension of singular vectors in function fields
Noy Soffer Aranov, Taehyeong Kim
Non-escape of mass for arithmetic quantum limits on hyperbolic $4$-manifolds
Alexandre de Faveri, Zvi Shem-Tov
Critical exponent gap and leafwise dimension
Omri Nisan Solan
Homogeneity of arithmetic quantum limits for hyperbolic $4$-manifolds
Zvi Shem-Tov, Lior Silberman
On the rate of convergence of continued fraction statistics of random rationals
Ofir David, Taehyeong Kim, Ron Mor, Uri Shapira
Seifert surfaces in the four-ball and composition of binary quadratic forms
Menny Aka, Peter Feller, Alison Beth Miller, Andreas Wieser
Upper bounds for the entropy in the cusp for one-parameter diagonal flows on $SL_{d}(\mathbb{R})/SL_{d}(\mathbb{Z})$
Ron Mor
Rigidity of non-maximal torus actions, unipotent quantitative recurrence, and Diophantine approximations
Manfred Einsiedler, Elon Lindenstrauss
Automatic continuity of Polynomial maps and cocycles
Tom Meyerovitch, Omri Nisan Solan
An effective version of the Oppenheim conjecture with a polynomial error rate
Elon Lindenstrauss, Amir Mohammadi, Zhiren Wang, Lei Yang
Quantitative equidistribution and the local statistics of the spectrum of a flat torus
Elon Lindenstrauss, Amir Mohammadi, Zhiren Wang
Bounding entropy for one-parameter diagonal flows on $SL_{d}(\mathbb{R})/SL_{d}(\mathbb{Z})$ using linear functionals
Ron Mor
Birkhoff generic points on curves in horospheres
Omri Nisan Solan, Andreas Wieser
Tori Approximation of Families of Diagonally Invariant Measures
Omri Nisan Solan, Yuval Yifrach
Time change for unipotent flows and rigidity
Elon Lindenstrauss, Daren Wei
Effective equidistribution for some one parameter unipotent flows
Elon Lindenstrauss, Amir Mohammadi, Zhiren Wang
Geometric interpretation of quantitative instability
Omri N. Solan, Nattalie Tamam
Arithmetic quantum unique ergodicity for products of hyperbolic $2$- and $3$-spaces
Zvi Shem-Tov, Lior Silberman
Semisimple random walks on the torus
Weikun He, Nicolas de Saxcé
Polynomial effective equidistribution
Elon Lindenstrauss, Amir Mohammadi, Zhiren Wang
A uniform Linnik basic lemma and entropy bounds
Andreas Wieser, Pengyu Yang
Polynomial effective density in quotients of $\mathbb H^3$ and $\mathbb H^2\times\mathbb H^2$
Elon Lindenstrauss, Amir Mohammadi
Slow entropy for some Anosov-Katok diffeomorphisms
Shilpak Banerjee, Philipp Kunde, Daren Wei
Horospherical invariant measures and a rank dichotomy for Anosov groups
Or Landesberg, Minju Lee, Elon Lindenstrauss, Hee Oh
Trou spectral dans les groupes simples
Weikun He, Nicolas de Saxcé
Equidistribution of affine random walks on some nilmanifolds
Weikun He, Tsviqa Lakrec, Elon Lindenstrauss
Equidistribution of rational subspaces and their shapes
Menny Aka, Andrea Musso, Andreas Wieser
Rigidity properties for commuting automorphisms on tori and solenoids
Manfred Einsiedler, Elon Lindenstrauss
Spectral Analysis of Word Statistics
Chaim Even-Zohar, Tsviqa Lakrec, Ran J. Tessler
Slow entropy of some combinatorial constructions
Shilpak Banerjee, Philipp Kunde, Daren Wei
Horospherically invariant measures and finitely generated Kleinian groups
Or Landesberg
Arithmetic Groups and the Lehmer Conjecture
Lam Pham, François Thilmany
Bad($\mathbf{w}$) is hyperplane absolute winning
Victor Beresnevich, Erez Nesharim, Lei Yang
Slow entropy of higher rank abelian unipotent actions
Adam Kanigowski, Philipp Kunde, Kurt Vinhage, Daren Wei
Winning property of badly approximable points on curves
Victor Beresnevich, Erez Nesharim, Lei Yang
Excursions to the cusps for geometrically finite hyperbolic orbifolds, and equidistribution of closed geodesics in regular covers
Ron Mor
Affine random walks on the torus
Weikun He, Tsviqa Lakrec, Elon Lindenstrauss
Positive entropy using Hecke operators at a single place
Zvi Shem-Tov
On Radon measures invariant under horospherical flows on geometrically infinite quotients
Or Landesberg, Elon Lindenstrauss
Scenery Reconstruction for Random Walk on Random Scenery Systems
Tsviqa Lakrec
Kakutani equivalence for products of some special flows over rotations
Daren Wei