Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Einstein Institute of Mathematics
Office: Manchester House 301Phone 94945
Email: \mathtt{ygroman}@\mathtt{gmail}.\mathtt{com}
(Remove the \mathtt{})
Research interests
I am interested in symplectic geometry, differential geometry and mathematical physics.
My CV is here
- The local Floer cohomology of indicator functions submitted, arXiv:2307.11659,
- Closed string mirrors of symplectic cluster manifolds (with U. Varolgunes), submitted, arXiv:2211.07523,
- Framed E2 structures in Floer theory (with M. Abouzaid and U. Varolgunes), to appear in Advances in Mathematics, arXiv:2210.11027,
- Locality of relative symplectic cohomology for complete embeddings (with U. Varolgunes), to appear in Comp. Math, arXiv:2110.08891,
- The Symplectic cohomology of magnetic cotangent bundles (with Will J. Merry), to appear in Comm. Math. Helv. , arXiv:1809.01085
- The wrapped Fukaya category for semi-toric Calabi-Yau, to appear in JEMS, arXiv:1805.03635,
- Floer theory on open manifolds Geometry & Topology arXiv: 1510.04265,
J-holomorphic curves with boundary in bounded geometry (with J. Solomon), Journal of Symplectic Geometry, 2016, 14.3: 767-809., arXiv:1311.7484,
A thick-thin decomposition for J-holomorphic curves, preprint, arXiv:1311.7564,
A reverse isoperimetric inequality for J-holomorphic curves (with J. Solomon), Geom. Funct. Anal. 24 (2014), no. 5, 1448-1515, arXiv:1210.4001, DOI: 10.1007/s00039-014-0295-2.