HUJI The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Edmund Landau Minerva Center for Research in Mathematical Analysis and Related Areas

Workshop on

Topology and Analysis

Dates: March 19-26, 1993

Place: Jerusalem, Israel

A workshop in Topology and Analysis was organized by the Landau Center.

The workshop was held in Jerusalem and was attended by more then 35 mathematician in various fields around TOPOLOGY, DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY, AND ANALYSIS. The was a serious attempt by most speakers to render their talks accessible to people from nearby fields so as to fulfill the aim of the workshop that was to allow communication between these fields.

A serious attempt was also made to leave considerable time for discussions and interaction and this again was very successful as many of the participants were accommodated on or very near the Hebrew university campus.

The workshop was in the opinion of the organizers, E. Dror Farjoun and A. Dold very successful. The lectures covered a wide spectrum of more geometric algebraic topology, Riemaniann geometry, Symplectic geometry and theory of bundles.

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