27 April -5 May 2003
Organizer: GIL KALAI
Hebrew University's Institute for Advanced Studies - Feldman Building,
Givat Ram, Safra campus.
Unless specified otherwise lectures will take place on Lecture Hall 130
Feldman building.
The Erdos' lecture On Thursday May 1 at 16:00 and later lectures on Thursday
and on Friday May 2 will take place in the Mathematics
building lecture hall 2.
27 April
8:30-9:30 Registration in the Lobby of the Institute.
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:45 Welcome
10:00-11:10 Francesco Brenti - Combinatorics of Schubert varieties I
Coffee Break
11:30-12:40 Eric Babson - f-vectors I
14:30-15:40 Yoav Segev - Finite groups acting on acyclic
complexes I
16:00-16:55 Yael Karshon - Euler-Maclaurin formula for polytopes
Coffee Break
17:10-18:05 Peter Csorba - Topological lower bound for Chromatic numbers
18:30 - Reception in the Lobby of the Institute.
28 April
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:15-10:25 Alexander Barvinok -
Wild convex bodies I
Coffee Break
10:45-11:55 Sergey Fomin -
Generalized associahedra and cluster algebras
12:00-12:55 Micha A. Perles- Non-Convexity
14:30-15:25 Nati Linial - Lifts of graphs
Coffee Break
16:00-16:55 Ruth Lawrence -
Symmetric sums and integrality of quantum 3-manifold invariants
17:00-17:55 Roy Meshulam - Domination numbers
and homology
29 April
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:15-10:25 Yoav Segev- Finite groups acting on acyclic
complexes II
Coffee Break
10:45-11:55 Sergey Fomin -
Generalized associahedra and cluster algebras
12:00-12:55 Ron Aharoni -
Independent systems of representatives, a survey
14:30-15:25 Noga Alon -
Spectral Techniques in Extremal Combinatorics
15:30-16:25 Ron Adin - Polytopes, face numbers,
and symmetry
Coffee Break
17:00-17:55 Gil Kalai - Topological Helly-type theorems
30 April
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:15-10:25 Alexander Barvinok - Wild convex bodies II
Coffee Break
10:45-11:45 Vitali Milman - How far is an arbitrary convex body
from an ellipsoid ?
a geometric question considered with a
computational-complexity type "ideology"
(joint with the HU theoretical CS seminar)
12:00-12:55 Eli Berger- A function dual to the Lovasz Theta Function
Afternoon: excursion
1 May
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:15-10:25 Eric Babson - f-vectors II
Coffee Break
10:45-11:40 Ehud DeShalit - Hyperplane arrangements and
Harmonic Analysis on Buildings
12:00-12:55 Alex Lubotzky - Ramanujan complexes
14:30-15:40 Francesco Brenti- Combinatorics of Schubert varieties II
Light refreshments in the Mathematics building
Lecture Hall 2: mathematics building
16:00-17:00 Maria Chudnovsky - Erdos Lecture: The Strong Perfect Graph THEOREM
17:30-16:25 Emmanuel Farjoun - The fundamental groups of
limits of simplicial complexes
2 May
Lecture Hall 2: mathematics building
9:15-10:10 Maria Chudnovsky - Testing for perfectness
10:20 - 11:00 Lauren K. Williams -
Some combinatorics and topology related to the totally non-negative part
of the Grassmannian.
11:25-12:20 Eran Nevo - Algebraic shifting and some
basic constructions on simplicial
coffee break
12:30-13:25 Gil Alon - Realization of the Orlik-Solomon
algebra of a hyperplane arrangement on its inclusion lattice.
3 May
IAS offers an excrusion to the dead sea and Massada
4-5 May
Back in Feldman building
4 April
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
9:30-(?)10:40 Shmuel Weinberger -
Combinatorics and Homology,
Hopf conjecture in differential geometry and combinatorics
(Charney-Davies and beyond)
followed by
10:40(?)-12:45(?) Topology and combinatorics, discussion, thoughts,
open problems, coffee
Sunday afternoon - free, unformal discussions
5 April
Lecture Hall 130: Feldman building
Convexity and optimization
Convex bodies, mathematical programming and optimization:
10:00 - 10:40 Greg Blekherman - Volumes of wild convex sets
11:00 - 11:45 Gideon Weiss - Continuous linear programming
12:00 - 12:40 Discussion, open problems, coffee
Monday afternoon - free
The lectures will be specially targeted for graduate and post-graduate
Abstracts or informal descriptions
of lectures: