\ Hebrew University Dynamics Seminars

Hebrew University Dynamics Seminar

The Hebrew University dynamics group meets for three weekly seminars:

  • The lunch seminar meets on Tuesdays at noon in the coffee lounge of the math building and lasts around 40 minutes. A light lunch is provided.
  • The ergodic theory and probability seminar meets on Tuesday afternoons at 14:00 in Math 209 and typically runs for 1 hour, though longer talks are possible with a break in the middle.
  • The group actions seminar seminar meets on Thursday mornings at 10:00 in Ross 70 and typically runs for 1 hour, though longer talks are possible with a break in the middle.

Information for speakers: The rooms Math 209 and Ross 70 are equipped with digital projectors and standard connectors. You can bring your own laptop (but if it is a mac, you may need to bring an adaptor); alternatively we can provide a laptop, but be sure to inform us in advance if you need one.

For suggestions, inquiries or to be added/removed from our mailing list, contact .