Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium

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Thursday, 11th January 2001, 4:00 pm
Mathematics Bldg., lecture hall 2

The Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium is happy to host the first of a series of three Erdos Memorial Lectures given by Professor Joel Spencer.

Professor Joel Spencer

"The Probabilistic Method"


The Probabilistic Method is a lasting legacy of the late Paul Erdös. We give two examples - both problems first formulated by Erdös in the 1960s with new results in the last few years and both with substantial open questions. Further in both examples we take a Computer Science vantagepoint, creating a probabilistic algorithm to create the object (coloring, packing respectively) and showing that with positive probability the created object has the desired properties.

Coffee, Cookies at the faculty lounge at 3:30.

The other two lectures in the series will be both held 10-12:

January 15th "The Phase Transition for Random Graphs"

January 17th "The Strange Logic of Random Graphs"

List of talks, 2000-01
List of talks, 1998-99
List of talks, 1997-98