Jerusalem Mathematics Colloquium

Thursday, 26 November 1998, 4:00 pm
Mathematics Bldg., lecture hall 2

Prof. Claude Schauchet (Technion)

"A case study of non-commutative geometry."


Non-commutative topology uses the tools of C*-algebras and algebraic topology to study phenomena from classical topology, geometry, functional analysis, and physics. In this talk we show how the same C*-algebra arises from quantum mechanics, rotations of the circle, and a flow on a torus. We then demonstrate how it is possible to retrieve information from the model using K-theory for C*-algebras. This is the opposite of a survey talk: the focus will be exclusively upon one example. No knowledge of C*-algebras or K-theory will be assumed. Graduate students are very welcome to attend.

Coffee, Cookies at the faculty lounge at 3:30.

You are invited to join the speaker for further discussion after the talk at Beit Belgia.

List of talks, 1998-99
List of talks, 1997-98